Saturday, March 7, 2009

So we finally got out of that nasty hole...

So yeah. I haven't written since we went down into the cogs. We've been too busy fighting off goblins and bugabears and warforges and fucking evil worshipers and Balinor damned mother fucking tentacle monsters. Yeah, it's been a busy little trip underground. I hope my companions will forgive me from being a little bitchy lately. I think I've said a few things to the other cleric that maybe weren't very diplomatic. It's just hard because she's so sensitive and reacts so much to the slightest thing.
But back to what happened. We got down there and attempted to reason with the hobgoblin to be let in. He didn't listen so I told Ru to talk off his shirt and flash the hobgoblin. He dropped his sword which made it much easier to kill him. The other goblins and hobgoblins insider weren't much of a problem. We found a slave who we freed. She seemed ok but I sensed that she was hiding something. I decided I didn't really care what her secret was as long as she wasn't trying to stab us in the back. We also found that the goblins had shut some of their fellows down the mine shaft. Some of the others were all for going down there, but I argued that if the goblins were afraid enough to shut some of their own down there just to keep whatever it is down there then we don't really want to find out what it is. I was overruled. So we opened the shaft the next morning. We saw and bugabear at the bottom and hurt him, but some of his party healed him and drug him off. We decided to send Ru back to the surface for FeatherFall tokens; I guess the reasoning was that he, or she as he is today I think, as a sort of business person would be the best to negotiate our trading. And probably turn a few tricks on the way.
While we were waiting, we decided to explore a secret passage we found off the main room off the goblins' headquarters. Inside, we found traps, but I wasn't surprised, I mean this is a secret passage after all, they obviously don't want visitors. But luckily, Dru has been learned the skills of her sneaky House and was able to disarm them. We found a little warforged that was malfunctioning. It heated up Karkanna's armour and I had to heal her. The party decided to kill it after it called its friend, a Homonculous, which we kill as well. It was sad to kill the poor thing since it didn't really know what it was doing, but we couldn't trust it not to hurt us or tell its maker about us. The interesting part was that it had been illegally made by an obviously evil artificer and mentioned Merrick, who is probably Merrick d'Cannith and probably the one who made Son and the homonculous. So the plot thickens.
We went back up and met Ru, who had the Feather Falls and I think let some folks grope him.
So anyway, we went down the shaft the next morning. At the bottom we met , gasp, the bugabear and surprise some goblins and hobgoblins. We fought them and I healed and then it was over. We then found another door that opened onto a dark hallway. We sent Dru down it but she hustled back with a orc berserker and some orc clerics behind her. Let me just say now, I kind of hate orcs. So we killed them without too much difficulty. I must say our fighters are pretty topnotch. So these nasty folks were worshiping the Dragon Below. Classy. There's this lovely tentacle monster statue with a door behind it. Gee, I wonder what might come out of that. So we go back into the other room to sleep and replenish our spells and stuff. But then in the night, here comes a mother fucking tentacle monster. We fight it, but it is a BEAST and it took us a while to get up and get our armour on. Dru almost died, but Urijah and I were able to heal her. We eventually kill the trice damned thing, and some of our party decide it would be a good idea to try and eat it. Why the hell would you want to eat THAT. Some of us make bad life choices. Not surprisingly they got sick. Idiots. We finish the night without anymore monsters. The next day, Gimble's kin came and helped us get all the stuff we found/scavenged/stole from the goblins and orcs. Then, we went back to Evan's house for some r and r. Evan was crying because Jassim was his lover. We tried to comfort him and learned more about his personal life than I really wanted to know. I'm going to go get more sleep before this fucking House gets us in anymore shit. Oh I mean helps us out.

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