Friday, April 3, 2009

heeeyyyy, hows it goin??? where'd mi drink go?

so this party has turned out to beeee preeety sweeet. i got some sweet ass booose. turns out these rich folks no how to party. i thought they'd be all stuff but they've been pretty swinging and i mean swinging i think people are having sex in the corners i mean go find a rooom or a treeee or somethin. so ii got to talk to some other clerics and they're like totally awesome people i meeen i think i reallly connected with them. i talked to some folks from house vadalis and we got to talk about horses which was totally sweeeeet. i meen i luvv, luvv horses. they're like my favorite animal. and they were like we luuv horses too and i was like holy shit cause i luuvvv horses too. so they were like we could help you guys get some mage bred horses cause we know you would take care of them and i was like i luvv you guys. man, where's my drink. has anybody seen my drink. i think i may be a little tinsy bit tipsy now......

Sad Events

Several things have happened since the last time I wrote and one of our party has been lost. We were traveling to Drooam in the company of some druids and shifters. The druids really pissed me off. I felt that they should have had more respect for me as a cleric of Balinor. I mean really, we all love nature together. Well fuck them. They were completely hostile and rude to all of us except Fenris and then they left us and we attacked by mother fucking dire bears. We fought them, but brave Karkana ran to the front and died. I feel really guilty for this but she was too far away for me to get to her in time and I didn't know she was injured that badly until it was too. May her soul rest in peace. The next time I have a drink I will poor one out for her.
After our tragic encounter, those mother fucking, goat humping, druids who probably all have bushes for family trees show back up and are like so what happened and then were like oh well we don't really care. I seriously considered just fucking hacking at them with my ax. I hope their wells run dry and their children all spit on their graves.

After we burried Karkana and were dissed by the grandma fucking druids, we went to find the airship. It was anchored at a cliff. There was a bunch of debris that turned out to be some of the party favors. They were day light tubes or something like that. This makes me really creeped out. I take it to mean somebody might be trying to crash or attack the party who doesn't want everyone to have these things. By somebody I mean things that go bump in the night.
Some of our party shinnied up to the airship. Then the rest of us got levitated up. The poor horses were really frightened. I did my best to calm them down. We found out all of the party favors were ok besides the ones that were smashed. The only one that was on the ship was the captain who was tied up. He didn't know how he got there or where is crew was. This is getting creepier and creepier. He flew us back and we all settled down for some sleep except Ru who gave the captain some satisfaction. I told him I would kill him if he caused us to crash and die.

We finally got back to Sharn. Evan's wife showed us the swag and was like you all need to come up with costumes for the party. I have absolutely no idea what I could go as. I don't really have that much experience with this kind of thing. Our parties in Valenar were much, much simpler. Oh Valenar where things made sense.