Monday, February 9, 2009

Sometimes I wonder...

why I ever came to this gods' forsaken place. I can't really remember my logic in leaving Valenar (where there were trees and grass and you could feel the winds blow and you weren't forever surrounded by people and filth and ok breathe). But I did decided to come find adventure and new battles in this city hell where you can't even see the sky!!!!
Things have been almost cursed since I got here. By all the Shining Host, I don't know why this city is so damn crazy(I mean how can these people even breathe with so many clouds and buildings and people) and why our fortunes have gone so badly. The evening I arrived I decided to go to a saloon for adventures and see if I could get a decent drink to take the edge off. But no, this little dwarf tries to overcharge me for a substandard drink and I mean I may not be from the most civilized or sophisticated place but I still can recognize poor bar tending skills. At home, he'd probably get beaten up for wanting someone to pay that much for a little fucking citrus rind in liquor. But unfortunately that wasn't the worst of the night. The bar was pretty full with a pretty diverse bunch. So I'm sitting here with my crappy drink and suddenly all hell breaks loose. I'm not really sure how everything happened but a man disappeared from the table he was at and reappeared at another table and killed a a man. Then a guy that was sitting with that odd motherfucker, the one who was jumping around and killing folks, stood up shouted some cryptic shit about a emerald claw and then stabbed himself. After that most everyone hightailed it out of there, but I stayed a minute to examine the bodies. The first man to be killed had some official papers and a dragon mark which means he was a member of a dragon marked house, and everyone knows whenever they're involved things start getting in a handbasket on the merry road to hell fast. The second fellow was just as unusual as his table mate since his "fatal" stab wound didn't bleed, and he was cold and dead before he pulled that stunt.
After all this shit, I decided that the best course of action is to follow most of the other patrons and get the hell out since the watch is coming. The watch try to accost me, but they let me go when they see my cleric insignia, thank Balinor. One of them, a squinty eyed guy that looked smarter than your average watchman if you know what I mean, seemed to stare at me awful hard. Somehow I don't think he was simply astounded by my beauty or thinking of coming to temple more.
So I headed to the local Temple and begged a cot for the night. This one was run by shifters, who I don't really like but, hey, I guess we're playing for the same team.
The next morning after services, I left the Temple and immediately saw my face along with the mugs of several other folks of various sorts who were at the saloon last night. I hate wanted posters, particularly ones involving me and offering a reward.
So I headed back inside and went to talk to the head of the Temple. He said to stay put and they would see what could be done. He also told me that that squinty man from last night was probably the one who made the posters and is some fancy watchy private eye of sorts. Fabulous. Later some gnomes from House D'Sivis who want me to come with them to their master who is trying to straighten this shit out. Since I don't have a lot of choice and the Temple folks think this is a good idea, I donned a blue sheet and went with them to the home of this gnome Evanroot D'Sivis. There I learned he's some kind of canny forger and kin of this gnome wizard from the bar last night. I also met up with my fellow fugitives. Besides the gnome wizard, there's a couple of warforged, a monk and an artificer, another cleric who happens so be, believe it or not, half-human and half-orc and has some sad story about rape and retribution and all that jazz, a half-elf paladin of the bloody Undying Court from bloody Aerenal who is in training but seems to have lost her mentor who is also a fugitive but I, for one, am glad is not with us. There is also a couple of rouges from this hell-hole of a city, a changeling whore and a elf from D'Thuranni who seems ok for a spoiled little rich girl, and that alcoholic dwarf woman from last night. I hope she sobers up when it's time to fight.
What a motley crew of folks to end up with. Oh well, I guess I could be a fugitive with worse people. So, the D'Sivis gnome told us that he could help us if we just did a favor for him. Involving the Cogs.
This can't be good. Well I guess it will be good because I sense that there will soon be battle, but I also have a sinking dread that I will soon be in places much more dark and nasty and even less breathable than the rest of Sharn, the piece of dying vermin masquerading as a city.
Kerowyn of Valenar